Archive for the ‘oil spills’ Category

Eyeless in the Gulf

21 October 2013

Not a good day for news of the oceans–

“Gulf Ecosystem in Crisis Three Years After BP Spill”

New evidence that dispersants are bad news for fish

6 July 2013

Out of sight, out of our minds–in more ways than one. We will be the death of many species, likely us included.

Summit County Citizens Voice

Detailed study shows that fish exposed to oil-dispersant mix are less able to respond to subsequent environmental challenges

By Summit Voice

FRISCO — A new European study once again shows that using dispersants to treat oil spills can be bad news for many marine organisms, even as it prevents massive slicks from reaching the shoreline.

The results of the study will be presented formally at the July 6 meeting of the Society for Experimental Biology meeting in Valencia. The increased contamination under the water reduces the ability for fish and other organisms to cope with subsequent environmental challenges, the research team found.

Led by professor Guy Claireaux, of the University of Brest,  the biologists for the first time looked at the effects of chemically dispersed oil on the performance of European seabass to subsequent environmental challenges.

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Hold My Beer and Watch This

19 June 2013

Every time I think of the Keystone XL pipeline, I think, OK, the US has reached the Hold My Beer and Watch This phase of existence. Are Americans now officially their own worst enemies?

This article provides a good overview of the reasons we should not build this pipeline: “You, Terrorist”

Considering the suicidal form of insanity now rampant in the United States, I will be surprised if this pipeline doesn’t go through.

Bah, humbug.


Addendum: Next day news: “Yet ANOTHER Toxic Spill In Canada Raises Critical Questions About The Safety Of Keystone XL”