Archive for the ‘Capitalism’ Category

Welcome to the Company Store

7 December 2014

Over the last few years, I’ve read several predictions of a future America under feudal rule after the inevitable resource/population/climate/food crunch bites hard. Having no reason to think them wrong, I spent time thinking what American feudalism might look like. A couple of days ago, I realized my musings added nothing because American feudalism already thrives here: America–the Land of the Free (to buy anything and everything) from the Companies’ Stores.

My falling behind reality came from my naively envisioning American feudalism in its old heredity forms. That’s unAmerican. Our aristocracy practices equal opportunity employment to the bright, the driven, the well–if narrowly–educated, and to those willing adhere to the company line. Corporations are the royalty.

Our corporate overlords provide our sustenance and demand only loyalty to the brand, to the right of the firms to dictate to their minions in Congress. Far too many docile and greedy serfs consume happily, blaming those beneath them for their misfortunes while the company stores marginalize, vilify, and legislate against those unwilling to buy company goods.

Don’t believe me? Example: “Energy Firms in Secretive Alliance With Attorneys General”

Another: “The Road to Serfdom: American Feudalism Comes to Detroit”

Yet another with a conservative twist: “The Case for “Serfdom,” Rightly Understood”

And one with a liberal view: “America: Home of the Bewildered Serf and Land of the Feudal Lords”

Still don’t believe America’s run by corporations–and a few super rich white guys” Take a look at this: “NBC/WSJ Poll Reveals American’s Priorities; Guess How they Match With GOP Lawmakers’ Priorities”

I was proud of myself when I finally put a name to what’s happening today, but obviously I was late to the party. I admit that and accept another’s term for our serfdom: Neo-feudalism.


Wage Inequality: The American Mirage

5 May 2014

Robert Reich’s “The Four Biggest Right-Wing Lies About Inequality’ sums up the situation quite nicely. Yet I still hear people spouting these ineluctable bromides, these straight up lies.

When Henry Ford started the first production line, he “overpaid” his employees because he said he wanted them to be able to buy one of his Model Ts. Since a number of American corporations no longer care if Americans can buy food or anything else, these “people” do not favor paying Americans a living wage. One of the hazards of being a “mature market” is being ignored. discounted, and forgotten. Onward, capitalism! Find new suckers–ah–customers.

Each day the American Dream comes closer to being the American Mirage.


Cruisin’ on Wall Street

12 March 2014

For those that survive as Wall Street Masters of the Universe, life is still good, very good.

“Wall Street Bonuses Go up As the Number of Jobs Goes Down”

Good job, Wall Street, and now the street’s a little less congested. Enjoy the ride.

Oh well, watching the financialization of the United States is kinda fun for us peasants. Maybe we’ll get to see a Big Crash soon. After all just a few months ago Jeremy Grantham of GMO said the stock market was 75% overvalued. And where has the market gone since then?

Going to go pop some corn and sit down to watch.


One Man, One Vote?

25 October 2013

An article from The Stranger, a Seattle weekly, graphically displays the America we live in. One man, one vote? Not if a powerful corporation is a person. In that case, it’s one corporation, millions of votes. Unfortunately, way too few actual people read or investigate much of anything.

“Just Look behind the Curtain”

From what I hear from those who still live in my birth state, 522 will most likely be voted down. If so, chalk one up for the Masters. As one of the comments under the article says, “Rich corporations hate for the Serfs to have choices.”

Free speech collides with fairness and democracy. To quote the lead character in an old, old sit com, “What a revolting development this is.”

Damn, I’m mad.


Wal-Mart de Mexico: Viva Corruption!

18 December 2012

Mexico already suffers from rampant corruption, but Wal-Mart de Mexico more than holds its own.

“The Bribery Aisle: How Wal-Mart Got Its Way
in Mexico”

Somehow, I am not surprised.



12 December 2012

UPDATE to “Amazon, the Eight Hundred Pound Gorilla”:

Dr. Steven Leeb, a regualr contributor on Seeking Alpha, one of my favorite investing sites, carried this column today (12/12/12): “Amazon: Anathema To Value Investors?”

To me, Leeb’s outline Bezo’s vision shows the company’s shrewd, long term legal, but in my view predatory, planning.

How many useful little local companies will fail because of this business model? More importantly perhaps, how many consumers will not be able to buy anything locally when–please note I did not say if, for I too am a long term planner–the internet goes down for long periods of time and then forever. Our energy consumption assures the snapping of the grid at some point, doesn’t it? Or do you think that energy is endless and that growth can go on forever?

Oh well, I suppose by the time the internet fails entirely any surviving local companies would have serious supply problems anyway.

Have a nice day.


Amazon: The Eight Hundred Pound Gorilla?

8 December 2012

Still another Upworthy article caught my attention, this one on
“The Truth Behind Amazon’s Success? It’s Kinda Evil.”

This article confirmed what I suspected. Amazon uses people and small businesses–and some large ones too–badly. Tactics reminiscent of Wal-Mart are troblesome to say the least, and this troubles me morte since I’ve become an Amazon junkie. Shopping online appeals to my introverted, research-oriented nature. Plus, I’ve gotten some great deals. Now the inevitable guilt is sinking in because I know have to factor in the tactics they use in order to provide such deals.

Perhaps I can take some comfort that, with books at least, I use Amazon as a springboard to buy used books through

Responsible shopping’s a bitch for someone who wants to patronize the little guy and still get a great deal.


Business News Is REAL News

1 November 2012

Joe Moneybags wanders into his office and puts his feet comfortably on the desk.  He riffles through the newspaper and then clicks up his computer and scans one of his favorite online sites.  His eyes widen.  The words do not change. November 1, 2012.  Bloomberg Businessweek.  

“It’s Global Warming, Stupid.”

Joe laughs. It’s got to be some sort of joke. He reads, waiting for the punchline.

Then Joe Moneybags blinks in disbelief. When climate scientists talk of climate change, they’re easy to ignore. After all what do they know about anything important? The business of America is business, and those scientists are just troublemakers without business savvy. Respectable businessmen know that this whole climate change hocus-pocus is actually about destroying business, and not just business but BIG business–the whole American way of life. That means the truly authoritative articles on this outrageous Al Gore hoax will NEVER appear in solid, conservative business magazines, ones that know how to uncover and mock sordid hoaxes.

He reads to the end, color draining from his face.

OMG!  Businessweek?! It’s true then. This settles it! Global Warming is REAL!

Joe yells for his secretary, barking for lists of sun and heat-related stocks.  Sunscreen!  Solar!  Sandals!!

Yeah, I know.  I’m exaggerating.  Convincing most skeptics ain’t gonna be this easy.  But it’s another brick down, sinking like a–brick.


P.S.  Anyone else not at all surprised by the Mayor’s endorsement of Obama?

FAIR and Ballast

14 September 2012

In general, I like FAIR’s work.  This article brings out some of the general tenor of today’s MSM “reporting”:

“Brought to You by…Big Oil? Washington Post Hides Industry Sponsorship of Energy Debate”

The blurring of propaganda or news frightens me.  America sells everything, including information–and truth.  Of course, they sold out on truth a long time ago.  I fear this will sink us.


Special Interest Quiz

2 May 2012

What do police unions, private prison corporations, beer and alcohol companies, pharmaceutical corporations, and prison guard unions have in common?

This article has the answer:  “The Top Five Special Interest Groups Lobbying to —- ——— ————.”

Guess before you click.  
